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Sunday, July 5, 2015

Baby You're a Firework, come on let your colors burst!!!

Where has the time gone! My last post was seven months ago!!! Well, it has happened. The entire reason I began this blog all those years ago!!! My son Grayson who will be 10, in only three short months, wanted to read his blog! I was delighted and excited all in one to show it to him. He had no idea I have been documenting his and Rogan's life since they were both babies! So much for the first years baby book! They has enough for a biography...right! He enjoyed reading every bit of it. If you have followed by blog since Grayson was a baby, then you know there are two other links on this blog that date that far back. It filled my heart with joy to see him reading so eagerly all about those years he doesn't remember and many which he does. See the thing is, I knew he wouldn't remember all those special times so I wanted to be certain I journaled those so they could read all those special events in our lives. The good and the not so good and all those real life moments. I will say he enjoyed it so much he couldn't stop reading it! He read every word in 3 days!!!! Now I wait for the day Rogan is ready to read about our lives and all those special memories we have made!

Well despite my fears of Rogan attending all day kindergarten, they are long in the past. Rogan loved it! He enjoyed every minute of it and looked forward to going each and every day. Not going to lie, my heart was so broken when now both of my boys were gone, there were times I would find myself in stores watching all those moms with their boys still enjoying those precious first five years and I would turn the corner with tears streaming down my face! It hurt and it hurt deep! Such hurt it ached a lot! Well as they say God heals all things. I was at the Y after working out laying at the pool right before school was out for the summer,I looked over at all those moms still enjoying their hip babies and chasing their toddlers. I thought to myself, "Wow my heart is healed, God has healed my broken heart!" No longer did seeing those moms in that phase hurt any more nor did I desire to be in that phase! I am happy with the season of life my boys are in NOW and trying to take in each and every moment for I know all to well how fast these years will continue to pass before my very eyes! God also found other places to heal my heart and use my gifts of being around children. I have been subbing since January as an Instructional Assistant. I would substitute three days a week and come home every single time with a huge smile on my face! I was also offered a job full time which I didn't apply for so I felt very honored to be recommended. I know how hard it is to get on with the HSE school district. I declined the job because I still want to be able to volunteer in my boy's rooms once a week and eat lunch with them. Also, go on field trips and should they get sick, I want to be able to take care of them without worrying about calling in. I also teach the 4-5 year olds at church every other Sunday at our 9:45 service. So yes, God has found other uses for my over protective motherly heart. He also brought two sweet 4 year old boys into my life on Fridays during the school year from 9-11. I watched them at our church while their mothers enjoyed a bible study! That said God continues to place me in the right place because he already knows my story...he wrote it to begin with.

Well here we are with summer and we are having a blast, don't get me wrong not every day is perfect. I do have two little boys and for those of you that have boys, that means everything is physical so lots of rough play!!! meaning lots of bumps and bruises and arguing along the way. Wouldn't trade it because God knew I'd be a great boy mom!!!! We are swimming a lot, bowling, playing outside, just having as much fun as we can for as long as we can because August will be here before we know it and I will have to say goodbye to those sweet boys one more time! Yes, it will hurt again I just know!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Gobble Gobble until you wobble!!

Wow!!! Another three months has managed to slip right by before my very eyes!! I truly thought as the boys left me to go off to school, my heart breaking, I would have more time but the fact of the matter is, now that they are no longer with me during the day, I fill up my days with even more stuff to keep me busy!!! I think the busier I am the less time I have to be sad and less time I have to think about that gaping hole that is still there. I'm doing my best trying to find myself in all this 'Beautiful Mess' I call my life! Though as much as I don't want it's changing! I volunteer even more now and work at the church a few hours watching two adorable little boys during bible study! The best part of it is I get to fill my void of missing my boys with two precious boys! What a trade off!

Well the boys are both doing wonderful in school! That Grayson is such an avid reader! He's at a 5th-6th grade reading level as well as in math too and may I say Rogan is developing that passion for reading too!! I can't believe my baby read, 'Go Dog Go' to me the other night!! He's a smart cookie with a love for numbers just like big brother Grayson. When it comes to numbers, both boys rock with math!!! We are so very proud of both our boys! They certainly are wonderful students and behave like 'role model students' is what we are told.... so here's my question, "Why do they behave so well at school?" What happens when they get home because there are days I feel like a referee! Santa...bring me a whistle and black and white striped shirt for Christmas! But then there are days they can't be separated! I figure this phase will pass and I must remember to embrace these challenging moments because there's something to be learned for all of us! This too shall pass!

Here we are, November! October is always such a very busy month at' The Mathias' house! First of all it is Grayson's birthday so that keeps us busy! Then to add to the celebration, it's our favorite...FALL!!!! There is so much to do and so many fall traditions to repeat!!!! Must go to 'The Headless Horseman' at Conner Prairie!!!! It is just the best time and something we look forward to every year. There's Tuttle's Apple orchard, the Zoo and may we not forget, The Haunted Guild at the Children's Museum! Did I forget any thing? Oh, yea and Halloween!!!!! I took on my biggest challenge to date this year and made an R2D2 costume! Rogan wanted to be R2D2 and nobody I mean nobody sells that costume. So leave it to me to find a way to give my son what he wants! There are only so many years a child gets to trick or treat so I made it happen! Four nights of layered  paper mache  and then the cutting and measuring of the fleece and decorating the helmet once it dried! It was worth every minute because it looked nothing short of amazing!!! Too bad there was so much rain on Halloween and it was so cold! But nothing could stop those Mathias boys from Trick or Treating!!! They are Jedi Masters and also from time to time droids!!! The force is strong in both of them!

 Grayson had a wonderful birthday. Theme, Star Wars of coarse. I made his cakes for both his sleepover and his actual birthday. For his sleepover, I did the scene from the movie where Anakin and Obi Wan are fighting in lava! It was such a great cake! For his birthday I made a cake that was creepy Halloween with a giant spider! Grayson's first sleep over was a huge success! They had a blast! They went bowling and had pizza, followed by cake, watching Star Wars movies, playing games and  5 long hours of sleep I think! Just enough to rejuvenate their Jedi minds! The following morning, homemade waffles and a movie a the Imax Theater. Grayson's birthday day he went to The Children's Museum and that evening to Red Robin. Grandpa and Grandma joined in our celebratory dinner! What fun!

We are now counting down the days for giving thanks and taking recognition for things to be grateful for and there's a lot! We are looking forward to turkey, a warm cozy fire and putting up the Christmas Tree! Only 19 more days until Thanksgiving Break!!! Then I can enjoy having my boys home with me! Tomorrow we head to Lego Kids Fest and we are so thankful for Legos in The Mathias house especially Star Wars Legos!!  Last night the boys had a photo session with Santa! They had so much fun! It was a very special time! Be on the lookout for those picture so arrive in your mailbox very soon! Wishing all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving! 'God Bless us All, Each and Every One of Us!'
Fall Break at the Zoo!

 Crazy Eyes!
More Crazy eyes!

 Grayson's Star Wars Birthday Cake!!!
May The Force Be With You!

 Trophy Day Go team Mathias
 Way Cool Jedi Masters, AKA Grayson and his best buds!!!

Brown County with Grandpa and Grandma

'Best Day ever,' Rogan said!

 Rock collecting with Grandpa and Grandma
 Crazy Fun Times
 Cover Your Heads!!!
 Mathias Boys bad to the bone!
We made it through Prairie Town without losing our heads

 Happy 9th Birthday Grayson Reed
One Cool Dude!

 Roasting marshmallows Mathias style
 Pumpkin Carving gooey mush!
 Cutest Droid ever! It's R2D2
 Anakin and his Droid R2D2
 Resist the dark side! Use your Jedi powers!
My little leaf collector

 Backyard Football!
Our wall of Many Thanks!!!

Storm Trooper Pumpkin

Friday, August 29, 2014

Summer Time.... or bust!

I can't believe it's time for our boys to go back to school and one of them will begin a new journey attending school all day for the first time! We had a fun summer! I will miss my little guys being around each and every day! I'd be lying if I said some days weren't incredibly difficult! But that goes with any thing in life! Every day can't be perfect, what would we learn and take away from it if it were! Summer seems to have reared it's hot head these last few weeks! But thank goodness the YMCA pool is still open and most is Grandpa and Grandma's pool.

As many of you may or may not know, Marc turned 40! We had a wonderful Dr. Who party for him. Shortly there after, we went to Disney...AMAZING! After returning from Disney we had Vacation Bible School! That was so fun and a blessing to be asked to be a part of the team leaders! I enjoyed every minute and from time to time I still catch myself signing those fun VBS songs! We all enjoyed 4th of July at my parents house. The boys love watching the fire works Grandpa and Grandma set of.

This summer we didn't have a so many pool days because it was rather cooler but we certainly had our fun! We had lots of trips to the zoo and Conner Prairie which in the summer months of July and August it's usually too hot! Never a bad day to go to The Children's Museum so we made trips there as well! We also took many trips to the parks. We had to hit all our favorite spots! The boys love their snow cones and carousel rides at Forest Park. As we do every summer, the boys participated in the summer reading program so we made many trip to the library! They got lots of fun prizes for each goal they meet reading.

We made our way to The State Fair, can't miss the fair! Would you believe we all actually wore jackets!!!! First time ever!!! Couldn't miss Little Hands on the Farm! We've been going there since both boys were young and oh yes The DNR building!!! Huge fish!! I think some of them actually eat little boys! We also took a trip to Brown County! We went to the mill and sifted through sand to find rocks!! Super fun!

We found out this summer while on vacation our Rogan would attend all day kindergarten because too many parents pulled out of 1/2 day after they decided to offer it and in order to keep the class, there had to be a certain number enrolled. It was heart breaking for me!!! I shed many tears even while at Disney receiving the news not even Mickey could turn my frown around! On a positive note, Rogan loves it. I am missing both my boys so much and trying to stick my head above those clouds and find the sunshine in it all but some days when I'm out and about and I see a mom with her little boys, it just brings tears to my eyes!!! Some times I find those tears rolling and rolling fast down my cheeks! I will continue to volunteer in Grayson's class every other week, his request and Rogan's every week! We are beginning a new chapter in life and a new journey is about to unfold so hold on tight because here we go!

I can't wait when I hear that bus rolling down the street. I'm like our dog Macie when she hears the garage door go up! I can't wait to see their smiling faces! Here's to a wonderful school year and new adventures and to making every day count! Not going to lie some days are harder than others not having my Rogan here ( I still wasn't completely used to Grayson being gone and it's year 4 for him)  but I remind myself to be thankful I got to share those first years at home with both of them! When we dropped off Rogan at Kindergarten the first day, we walked past him room and imagine me, there I was with my face stuck to the window looking in.... now I've become their stalker!
Coach Marc with Rogan's soccer team
Happy 40th Birthday! Bow Ties are Cool!
Trophy Day! Flag Football
Forest Park Carousel

Splash pad at Billericay Park
Mrs. Sewell gave Rogan a pencil!
Meet the teacher night for Rogan!
Not too sure about this kindergarten thing!
Grayson's 3rd grade teacher Mrs. Cook!
Fist Day of School, our handsome boys!!!
Look at our big boys
Rogan and Rainbow Fish and Grey Kitty
 We did it Flag Football Summer 2014
 Vacation Bible School
 Dip N Dots at the Zoo
 Feeding parakeets at the zoo
 Watching the giraffes
 Hamilton County Fair
May the Force be with you I mean Farts be with you!
 Take me there China Slide at Children's Museum
 We are soldiers too
Founders Park rock climbing wall
 Summer make it last!
 Forest Park adventures!
 Cumber land Road Elementary school mural all the kids made with clay and signed! Awesome!!
 Conner Prairie New Discovery Center
 Petting baby animals at Conner Prairie
 Our trip to Brown County
 Looking for Rocks!!!
 State Fair, Little Hands on the Farm
 DNR Building and we have on jackets!!!
 Dairy Cow!!! Give me some chocolate milk!
Here I go Riding the bus!!! Big boy style
 Gen Con 2014 Rainbow Fish came too
 Colt's game with Daddy!! Guys night
Reading Rainbow Fish to my Little Bro